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Hyaluronic Acid Gel FAQ

$250  - 1/2 Syringe

$475 - Full Syringe


What is a Hyaluron Pen?

Hyaluron Pen needle-free lip injection can be used to create volume, shape and lift. The FDA-Approved Hyaluron Pen is a needle-free device that has a special piston with a spring that creates a high-pressure jet to uniformly and quickly flow fillers* through the skin. The diameter of this microscopic flow is 0.17 mm, twice as small as the smallest insulin needle. The process is much more comfortable than a needle injection and with very little downtime since there is minimal to no bruising.  The pen is similar to other needle-less and jet injection systems that are sometimes used to deliver vaccines and other medications.

What kind of product is used?


How long does it last? 


Longevity will vary and depends on the client. Results can last from 6 weeks to 8 months or longer but it will absolutely depend on several factors, most of which can only be controlled by the client.

Your hydration levels, lifestyle, the treatment area, if you already have base filler in the treatment area(s) and/or on how quickly your body metabolizes the filler are all important factors.  If an individual is losing weight, has a fast metabolism or works out frequently, the product will be processed by the body quicker.  Also, if an individual goes in a sauna, eats lots of salty foods, goes on a airplane, does hot yoga or does anything else dehydrating in the first 1 - 2 weeks after getting fillers while the product is still setting, it can significantly shorten the lifespan of the product.  

If you are getting fillers  without any base filler in your treatment area already always expect the product to have a shorter life span.  You will need to build up the filler and moisture in the skin to help the filler to last longer.  Especially if you are just starting fillers in a particular area, it is ideal to schedule a 2nd visit 2 weeks after your first for a touch-up. Longevity is cumulative.  With each treatment (as long as there is still filler in your treatment area), your results will last longer and longer.

Two tricks you can use before you come in for your appointments will help a lot. Be extra, extra hydrated before your appointment and for the 2 weeks following the appointment.  If you are drinking coffee or alcohol, drink twice as much water.  Additionally, avoiding processed food and eating foods rich in vitamin K will also give your filler’s longevity a boost.

Is it painful?

Most clients report that discomfort is minimal especially when compared to traditional needle injections. There is a snapping sensation, clicking sound and pressure at the moment of the jet-injection. 

What are the possible side effects?

Side effects are mild  or moderate and usually last less than 7 days.  Persistence of these symptoms for up to two weeks is usually nothing to worry about. The most common side effects include temporary injection site reactions such as redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration. Other rare risks include, but are not limited to:  

  • Overcorrection / under correction & facial asymmetry

  • Unpredictable persistence of filler, either shorter or longer than expected.

  • Prolonged discoloration of the skin

  • Prolonged or severe swelling

  • Reactivation of cold sores

  • Infection

  • Scarring

  • Allergic or anaphylactic reaction


Where can it be safely injected?

Hyaluron Pen fillers can be used all over the face with the exception of directly under the eye and in the temple area.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a natural acid found in our joints, eyeballs and skin.  It is composed of two sugars (Glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine).  It is the most hydrating substance in the world. Its’ primary function is to attract water and keep the skin hydrated, plump and youthful. Since the human body creates HA naturally, it is impossible to be allergic to it. As we age, our body decreases the amount of HA produced as well as collagen fibers. This decrease causes our body to look older, resulting in loss of hydration and elasticity; therefore wrinkles form and the skin begins to sag. By adding HA into the skin we revive the collagen and promote a fresher, plumper look. Hyaluronic Acid is also the main structural element of connective tissue.

Can I get this treatment if I already have filler?

Yes. It is best to wait 2 weeks if you recently had it done to let the prior product set and let any swelling go down.


Is there anyone that cannot be treated? 

Hyaluron Infusion should not be used on patients with the following contraindications.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Under 18 years of age

  • Hypersensitive

  • Severe allergies marked by a history of anaphylaxis

  • Active oral herpes

  • History of a compromised immune system

  • Undergoing immunosuppressive therapy

  • History of Keloid Scarring

  • Active Acne

  • Myasthenia Gravis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or any other neuromuscular disorders

  • autoimmune disease



What’s the difference between hyaluronic acid gel done with a hyaluron pen and filler done with a needle?

The hyaluron pen is completely non invasive and the depth that the filler goes into the dermis is shallower than with needles. The hyaluron pen, when compared to needles, significantly minimizes or eliminates risks of occlusion, infection and pain.


What happens to our own Hyaluronic Acid?

Over the course of the years, two things happen: the body itself produces less Hyaluronic Acid. More specifically the collagen fiber network is stretched and becomes allows less Hyaluronic Acid molecules to bind with water. It results in lesser hydration of the skin that (combined of course with the thinning of fat tissue on forehead and cheeks and thickening of it on the neck and chin and some changes in bone structure over the years), results in deepening wrinkles. However, one should understand that Hyaluronic acid molecule is a pretty tough fighter, as being a polymer and very hydrophilic (meaning it can form an enormous amount of connections and it loves to bind with water molecules, often being able to bind up to hundreds of times its own weight) it still holds the extracellular matrix pretty strong. Just the ability to be able to retain water decreases over time (thus the wrinkles etc) because the amount of collagen and thus also Hyaluronic Acid decreases. 

What happens when you add Hyaluronic Acid into the skin?

The Hyaluronic Acid the human body produces has a pretty short lifespan (around 2-4 days), however the Hyaluronic Acid inside the carrier that you are able to treat the Dermis with can last for months. Why would that last so much longer? It depends on the polymeric chains of the substance - namely,  it is possible chemically achieve so-called cross-linking, that allows a higher number of connections to be made between the molecules of the Hyaluronic Acid inside the filler, thus slowing down the enzymatic degradation. Basically, it means that the substance still is removed from the body through the absolutely natural degradation process and it just takes more time, allowing the Hyaluronic Acid inserted to retain the water inside the skin all over its longer life-span. And, it also has to be added, that whatever filler you are dealing with, you do not want it to stay inside the skin forever (it may lead to several problems, as we all know, happened with silicone fillers). Thus the fact that you have to come for a refill in 4-6 months, is a good thing.

How do I prepare?

In order to be best prepared for success with Hyaluron Pen:


In order to be best prepared for success with Hyaluron Pen, follow the below steps before your appointment.  

  • For 1 week prior avoid blood thinners & dehydrating substances like caffeine, alcohol, St. John’s Wart, Ginko Biloba, primrose oil, fish oil, vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen or similar products (Advil, Motrin, Aleve). They can cause bruising, bumps, more aggressive pinpoint marks & lack of volume.

  • For 1 week prior & 1 week after, avoid tretinoin, retinal, retinoids, glycolic acid, peels, skin sensitizing products.

  • 72 hours prior & 72 hours after, avoid highly processed foods as they grately dehydrate the body. Instead, eat spinach, kale and celery the week before to boost your levels of Vitamin K.

  • Drink 1/2 gallon or more water daily for 48 hours hours before and after treatment. Hyaluronic Acid bonds to other Hyaluronic Acid and water.

  • 24 hours prior and as needed after take arnica montana tablets and an anti-inflammatory to help with swelling and bruising.

  • 24 hours prior and after avoid flying or saunas as they dehydrate the body.

  • 24 hours prior and after avoid rigorous workouts. New fresh fillers need time to set so lots of water and lack of rigorous movement for 24 hours after is key.

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